CLOSED: Email the prime minister: take action on homelessness

Join us in calling on the prime minister to take action this winter

Temperatures are dropping. Rents are rising. Thousands of families are forced to live in run-down bedsits and cramped hostel rooms. But this is not a home. 

We have a clear message for the prime minister, Rishi Sunak. He must do the right thing and take action on homelessness.

We’re calling on him to:

  • unfreeze housing benefit 
  • build more safe and secure social homes 

Every one of us should have a safe and permanent place to call home. Thousands of children shouldn’t ever have to wake up homeless – living in unfit and unstable temporary accommodation. Many more are at risk of homelessness. With costs continuing to rise, family budgets are being stretched to breaking point. 

At the same time, the safety net to prevent homelessness is broken. Housing benefit doesn’t cover rent for 54% of private renters who claim it. And over a million households are stuck on a waiting list for social housing. We demand change.  

The government must make renting more affordable so people are not forced into homeless. Send the prime minister an email and demand he unfreezes housing benefit and commits to building more social housing. 

Take two minutes to tell the prime minister to help families secure a safe place to call home. Let’s get his attention. 

  • Leon D 17.07.2024 03:47