Tell government: Planning reforms must prioritise social rent homes

Addressed to: Angela Rayner MP and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Deadline: 24th September 2024

On the 30th July, the new Labour government published proposals and a consultation on them to reform planning.

We believe that too many of the homes being built by developers aren't the right homes. We think the planning system isn't doing enough to get the social homes built we need. The planning system should be geared towards building social homes. It could also drive councils to do more to bring empty homes and dilapidated buildings back in to use for people who need a a safe and secure home.

That's why we're responding to this consultation - if you agree, please help us respond and ask the new government to focus on  building the social homes that will end homelessness.

The government have promised the biggest increase in social and affordable housebuilding in a generation.  They’ve also pledged to build 1.5million homes and they’ve said they’ll achieve this through reforming the planning system. We believe any reforms need to prioritise social housing.

What we’re saying in our consultation response: 

  • National target for social housing: There should be a national target for a specific number of social rent homes required, not just an overall housing target. Shelter and others estimate that this should be 90,000 social rent homes a year.
  • Local targets for social housing: Every local authority should be required to set a local target for the number of social rent homes needed in the area. This target should be calculated based on the number of people at risk of homelessness,  who are already homeless, and the number of households on local social housing waitlists (or an estimate of need where there is no waiting list).
  • Private developers must build more social housing: It is too easy for private developers to get out of their planning obligations. There should be a national duty on local authorities to require at least 20% social rent homes on every major development (over 10 units) from private developers. This should be non-negotiable.
  • Social housing should be prioritised over 'affordable' housing: The proposal for 50% affordable homes on grey belt land that is released for housing - but this should be social rent, not "affordable" housing.

If you agree with our position, we've created a template response to the consultation you can send to the Ministry of Housing  by entering your details and hitting submit on this form. 

  • Steve S 03.09.2024 17:59
  • Alan C 01.09.2024 23:49
  • Clare M 01.09.2024 09:52
  • Emily R 30.08.2024 21:15
  • Richard S 29.08.2024 20:09
  • Mark N 29.08.2024 15:05